Living a Tantric Lifestyle is a life based on pleasure, integrity, and following your inner truth. This type of pleasure is not the fast-paced, immediate-satisfaction lifestyle that our culture is so familiar with. The tantric practice a soul-filling, life-giving type of pleasure. It slows down time, makes us feel, and enjoy life in a deeper way.
The Tantric lifestyle is about connecting with yourself, and observing your thoughts and emotions. Slowing down allows us to choose how to utilize our energy. Is what we’re doing depriving us of Life Force rather than invigorating it?
Tantra is the remembrance of our primal essence as humans. We are naturally sensual and sexual beings, and need these energies to feel nurtured and connected. Tantra is about learning natural intelligence of the body, living in harmony with your highest expression, and being one with Nature. Reconnecting with one’s truest essence is what shifts all other aspects of our life-what is aligned with our highest form will be, and what does not resonate with our authentic self will fall away.
This Tantric lifestyle empowers unity between our primal essence and the purity of our spirit. Speaking, living, being: our truest form of Self. Our truest form of Self is beyond social conditions, gender roles, or identification with trauma. This journey is about embracing the triggers that arise in the process of awakening. It is remembering that you have infinite potential. When we tap into our truth at the core of our being, and release attachment to shame, fear, or grief, this epic transformation is available.